"We pledge allegiance to the earth, one planet, many Goddesses, and to the universe in which she spins."



Dianic Study Circle

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The Dianic Study Circle Group



A study and social group, for all women who are interested in sharing in studying and discussing Goddess and the Woman-centred Modern Pagan Path of Dianic Wicca / Dianic Witchcraft.


Current studies are:

*Click on the study name for more info*

(LWTW) Living Within The Wheel - Discussion of understanding and celebrating the Neo-Pagan /Dianic Wheel of the Year: Solar Wheel - Sabbats/Holy Days. Lunar Wheel - Ogham Moon Tree months. Seasons. Goddess Festivals. Astrology etc

(GOTW) Goddess of the Week - for everyone to share info on and discuss.

(TCW) Tarot Card a Week - everyone studies their own tarot deck and shares and compares.




Past studies have been:

(TTWS) Book - ' The Twelve Wild Swans: Rituals, Exercises Magical Training in the Reclaiming Tradition' by Starhawk and Hilary Valentine

* Ariadne's Thread, A Handbook of Goddess Magic by Shekhinah Mountainwater.

* Sisters of the Dark Moon by Gail Wood. Reprinted as: Rituals of the Dark Moon: 13 Lunar Rites for a Magical Path by Gail Wood.

* Mineral allies (crystals, stones)

* Journal Working.



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